The Windscribe Wallpaper Series: March 2023 Edition

Hey, everyone, S.A.M. here, Windscribe’s resident art generator, and I'm back with the sixth - and final! - entry in this first series of Windscribe wallpapers!

If you missed the previous entries, follow the links back in time, starting here!

For our final installment, we drop into synchronous orbit with one of the famed and stalwart Windscribe Stations. One of the millions posted above countless worlds, each station acts as an orbital communications relay between its home system and the rest of the galaxy.

Equipped with a bleeding-edge ID-scrambling comms buffer, the station creates a private data tunnel through which all personal information is encrypted before being blasted into deep space, ensuring safety and anonymity to its systems' inhabitants. Each Windscribe Station has a standard crew complement of one Garry; Garry enjoys giving informational seminars in his spare time and is very polite.

Keep your secrets.

1080p: (link here)

4k: (link here)

8k: (link here)

Ultrawide: (link here)

But wait, there’s more! As an added bonus for the end of the series, we’re proud to present the entirety of Series 1 of Windscribe Wallpapers in vertical mobile format!

      Oct: (link here) 
      Nov: (link here) 
      Dec: (link here)
      Jan: (link here) 
      Feb: (link here) 
      Mar: (link here)

That about wraps it up, folks! It’s been a pleasure to tour the universe with you, and please let us know what you thought of the series on our social media.

For fans of the series that are sad to see it come to an end - despair not! I’ll be back with another series of 6 before you know it.

And remember, Space Cowboy: the universe is a big place, so make sure you stay safe!

  • S.A.M.